With the "Wohnen für Hilfe" (Living for help) project, we are promoting a special form of shared living: housing partnerships that go beyond the usual shared flat life.
The idea behind "Wohnen für Hilfe"
The idea behind "Wohnen für Hilfe" is very simple: people who have free living space in their flat or house offer students a roof over their heads - rent-free! In return, the students support and help with smaller everyday tasks. The students pay the additional costs themselves.
The rule of thumb is: one hour of help per month per square metre of living space.
Care services are excluded, but otherwise anything the two flatmates agree on is possible: Shopping, housework and gardening, socialising, housekeeping and much more. In principle, "Wohnen für Hilfe" is possible in any flat or house, as long as there is at least one free room. This can be a room in your own flat, a separate living area with its own bathroom or a small granny flat in your own house.
Before a flat-sharing partnership begins, the potential flat-sharing partners get to know each other in detail - in discussions and during a trial flat. Both sides agree on what they expect from each other and where help is needed. After all, living for help is only fun if the "chemistry is right".