Vegan: Spaghetti mit Ratatouillegemüse

Gemüseeintopf mit Linsen mit Bockwurst oder vegetarischer Bockwurst

Theke 1

Filet vom Wildlachs mit Limetten- Buttersoße und Salzkartoffeln

Theke 2

Pasta mit Schinken- Sahnesoße oder mit mediterranem Grillgemüse überbacken


Hier klicken


How to pay (students and staff)

In our canteens and cafeterias, you can pay cashless using the integrated payment function in your student ID. The student ID is therefore also your canteen card (Mensakarte). You can top up your student ID at the card machine that you can find in front of our canteens or cafeterias - unfortunately, it is not possible to top up at the checkout in our canteens and cafeterias.

Credit top-up

You can top up your canteen card/student ID at the top-up machines by card payment (debit and credit card, also contactless). There is also a top-up machine at each campus that accepts cash (notes only, no coins). The minimum top-up amount is 10 euros.

Locations of the top-up machines with card payment:

  • University campus: cafeteria, Canteen (Grüne Theke), library
  • RheinMoselCampus: entrance cafeteria, coffee bar, library
  • RheinAhrCampus: Vending machine station in front of the canteen

Locations of the top-up machines with cash payment:

  • Uni-Campus: basement floor (UG) in building D
  • RheinMoselCampus: Canteen
  • RheinAhrCampus: Canteen

Payment of remaining balance

If you would like to have the remaining balance on your student card paid out, please contact our service office during opening hours (see contact below). The card must be presented before the remaining balance can be paid out.

A defective or lost card must first be reported to the computer centre (Rechenzentrum). There you will also be given the card number you need to have the remaining balance paid out at the service office.

How to pay as a guest

Guests - i.e. everyone who is neither enrolled nor employed at the University of Koblenz or the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences - can pay by debit card (e.g. girocard/EC card) or credit card (Visa/Mastercard) in our canteens and cafeterias. In the canteens, the guest price is automatically calculated when paying with these cards. Students and staff should therefore continue to pay with their canteen card in order to receive the discounted prices.

In addition, guests who regularly eat in our canteens and cafeterias can get a guest card at the top-up machine and top it up with at least 10 euros as a deposit. Since the top-up machine does not give any change, any difference is booked as a credit. We recommend topping up with at least 20 euros for the first time - this covers the deposit and a guest menu. At the RheinAhrCampus in Remagen, guest cards can be purchased in the cafeteria.

You can return the guest cards at the checkout in the cafeterias or in our service office (see contact below). We will then transfer the remaining balance including the deposit to your account.


Uni-Campus & RheinAhrCampus

Anna Aldorf
Phone: 0261 287-1107
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Service hours (Uni-Campus room D 112):
Mon, Wed, Thu: 09:30 - 11:30 a.m.


Jutta Kurth
Phone: 0261 9528-542
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Service hours (RheinMoselCampus Room A 042):
Tue & Thu: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Canteens & cafeterias
Our canteens and cafeterias at all locations.
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