At the beginning of your studies, many of you will experience that learning has to be learned first.

Many people notice how their own motivation to learn, work organisation and time management are doing at the latest when exam dates are approaching. We are happy to help you tackle these or other problems, such as exam nerves, speech inhibition, writer's block or performance and graduation problems, and support you in overcoming stress.

You can either attend one of our workshops on learning or exam nerves or contact our counsellors.


++ Please only use the e-mail addresses of our counsellors to make appointments or similar. If you want to tell us your concerns directly, please use our data-protected online counselling service. +++

Beate Bastian | Diplom-Sozialpädagogin (FH)

Phone: 0261 9528-543
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open consultation hours/availability by phone: Tue. 12:00-13:00 | Wed. 12:00-13:00 (in even weeks in Remagen)
Personal counselling sessions take place by appointment (by phone, email, online counselling) at the RMC (H U16), at the RAC (D 014) or in the counselling office in the student residence "Auf dem Hellen Weyer" (near the university campus, Auf dem Hellen Weyer 1, 56072 Koblenz).

Maja Kelly | Social Work (B.A.)

Phone: 0261 287-1143
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open consultation hours/availability by phone: Mon. 12:00-13:00 | Wed. 12:00-13:00 (in odd weeks in Remagen) | Thu. 9:30-10:30
Personal counselling sessions take place by appointment (by phone, email, online counselling)  in the counselling office in the student residence "Auf dem Hellen Weyer" (near the university campus, Auf dem Hellen Weyer 1, room 04, 56072 Koblenz) or at the RAC (D 014).

Andrea Porz | Diplom-Sozialpädagogin (FH)

Phone: 0261 9528-547
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open consultation hours/availability by phone: Tue. to Fri. 12:00-13:00
Personal counselling sessions take place by appointment (by phone, email, online counselling) at the RMC (H U17) or at other locations as required.

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Counselling team
>> click here for more information
Counselling team
Online counselling
>> click here for more information
Online counselling