Vegan: Spaghetti mit Ratatouillegemüse

Gemüseeintopf mit Linsen mit Bockwurst oder vegetarischer Bockwurst

Theke 1

Filet vom Wildlachs mit Limetten- Buttersoße und Salzkartoffeln

Theke 2

Pasta mit Schinken- Sahnesoße oder mit mediterranem Grillgemüse überbacken


Hier klicken


The Studierendenwerk Koblenz operates canteens and cafeterias on the ampus of the University of Koblenz and on the RheinMoselCampus (Koblenz-Karthause) and RheinAhrCampus (Remagen) of the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.

You can find out all the details about offers and opening hours in our news.

And regardless of whether you are enrolled at the University of Koblenz or the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences: You can use all canteens and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk Koblenz, not only those on your campus. We look forward to seeing you!

All details (location, opening hours, offer) about our canteens and cafeterias:

Campus Koblenz
See all details.
Campus Koblenz
University of Koblenz
See all details.
Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
See all details.
Koblenz University of Applied Sciences