Vegan: Spaghetti mit Ratatouillegemüse

Gemüseeintopf mit Linsen mit Bockwurst oder vegetarischer Bockwurst

Theke 1

Filet vom Wildlachs mit Limetten- Buttersoße und Salzkartoffeln

Theke 2

Pasta mit Schinken- Sahnesoße oder mit mediterranem Grillgemüse überbacken


Hier klicken


Canteen (Mensa) RheinAhrCampus

In our canteen on the RheinAhrCampus in Remagen you have the feeling of sitting outside when you're actually indoor - thanks to the large glass fronts with a view of nature. In good weather you can also take a seat on our large outdoor terrace in immediate vicinity of the park-like "Recreation Area" of the RheinAhrCampus.


  • Standard menu: main course with meat, dessert
  • Vegetarian menu: vegetarian main course, dessert
  • Vitalteller: single dish with fresh & balanced ingredients 

On request, we are happy to offer you a vegan menu - please contact the cafeteria by 10 a.m. The same applies if you cannot eat certain foods for health reasons. More about this here.


Building E | groud floor
Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2
53424 Remagen

Opening hours

See our opening hours here.

Cafeteria RheinAhrCampus

Food distribution cafeteria at the RheinAhrCampus

The cafeteria is the place to go for all your culinary needs - from chewing gum to coffee or a crispy salad. We serve hot drinks in the sustainable LogiCup, which you can return on the spot in the deposit machine. The cafeteria on the RheinAhrCampus is integrated into the canteen - that means that you also have access to our large outdoor terrace.


  • Coffee, coffee specialties
  • Cold drinks
  • Sandwiches
  • Salads
  • Savory snacks
  • Sweet pastries
  • Cake


Building E | ground floor
Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2
53424 Remagen

Opening hours

See our opening hours here.


Martina Hillesheim | Head chef RheinAhrCampus
Phone: 02642 932-193
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find out what we serve in our canteens!
How to pay
How to pay cashless in our canteens and cafeterias.
How to pay
Canteens & cafeterias
All details about our canteens and cafeterias.
Canteens & cafeterias