Studying is a challenge! But as with all things, it is possible to make this challenge easier. Below we have listed the most important contact persons, everything you need to know about organizing your studies with a child and some other tips and tricks to help you cope with the challenge of studying.

Quick overview:

Contact points for questions about studying

Here we have listed the most important contact persons at the university and the University of Applied Sciences on the topic of study organization.

University of Koblenz

The university offers students many orientation events in their first semester. The orientation phase helps new students find their way into everyday student life and get to know the campus. These events are very important for making initial connections and getting to know fellow students. After these orientation days, the following contact points will help you with questions and problems:

Koblenz Student Office

The Koblenz Student Affairs Office is the first point of contact for all questions about studying. Here you can get answers to basic questions about the range of courses on offer, the application procedure, enrolment, re-registration and exmatriculation. There is no special processing here. This is the responsibility of the specialized institutions at the University of Koblenz.

General Student Advisory Service Koblenz

As the general counselling office of the University, the Student Counselling Service is there to help you find a degree program and organize your studies in such a way that your individual knowledge, abilities and personal strengths are promoted and your study and career goals are achieved.

Student Secretariat

The Student Secretariat coordinates the application procedure and is responsible for the allocation of study places, enrolment, re-registration and exmatriculation. Detailed processing takes place here.

Timetable advice

Creating a timetable can sometimes be quite time-consuming. Individual timetable advice can be useful, especially in the teaching degree programme, due to the wide variety of subject combinations, in order to make coordination easier. If you have any questions about your timetable or have problems creating it, don't hesitate to make use of this counselling service!

Academic international Office

Everything you need to know about your semester abroad! The Academic International Office provides answers to all your questions about studying abroad and supports you in the selection, application and implementation process.

University of Applied Sciences Koblenz

Koblenz University of Applied Sciences also offers its first-semester students an opportunity to find their way around campus and make initial contacts. In addition to the info page, you can get to know the respective department and campus at the Kickoff Camp. There will be room to answer any questions that arise and students will receive lots of helpful tips, tricks and information. Other events help to make initial contacts and get to know fellow students. Questions that arise after the Kickoff Camp can be addressed to the following contact points:

Student Services HS Koblenz

The Student Service Centre provides information on everything concerning application and enrolment. Once you have started your studies, the Student Service is your contact for re-registration, changing degree programmes, leaves of absence, exmatriculation and other matters.

Student Advisory Service HS Koblenz

The general student advisory service is the university's central point of contact for questions from students in all phases of their studies - from the beginning of their studies to graduation or choosing a Master's degree. They provide advice, for example, on orientation in the degree programme, organization and design of the degree programme, reorientation or change of subject.

International Office

Are you thinking about integrating a semester abroad into your studies? Then the International Office is the right place for you! All your questions will be answered here, and they will be happy to help you with problems.

Some further education offers

In addition to studies, the university and the college offer further opportunities for further education.

Language courses

Learning a new language as a preparation for a semester abroad or just for fun? No problem! Both the university and the college offer free language courses. You can find the university's language courses at the university language centre and the university's courses at the Centre for Coummunication Studies.

Studying with a child

Studying with a child is possible! - With the right support, when, where and how you need it!
The Studierendenwerk tries to support students with children in the best possible way and offers numerous, flexible services for childcare, counselling and meals.


We advise student parents (and parents-to-be) on all aspects of studying with a child and answer questions such as:

  • How can I organise childcare?
  • How does everyday study life work with a child?
  • How can I finance myself?.

Here you can find more information on counselling for parents (and parents-to-be) who are studying


Three day-care centres directly on campus - close to the lecture hall and with flexible drop-off and pick-up times - ensure that studying with a child is not an even greater challenge.

Find out more about the day care centres!

Catering - Kids for free

In the Studierendenwerk refectories, children up to the age of 10 eat for free when accompanied by a student parent. All you need is the Kids for Free card, which you can get in our service offices.

You can find more information on the "Kids-for-free" page.


Libraries offer space for undisturbed learning and, of course, as a source of information. You can find out how to borrow books, access books online or when the library is open on the website of the respective library:
Library of the University of Koblenz - it is advisable to take your own lock with you, as these are not available at the subjects from the outset!
University library at the RheinMoselCampus
University library at the RheinAhrCampus

Important platforms / apps

University of Koblenz

To keep track of your studies, the following apps and platforms are useful:

KLIPS - courses and exams are booked via this platform.
SoGo - here you have access to the university mail account, which can also be forwarded to your private mail address
OLAT - a learning platform that is used in teaching.
Mensaplan - here you can see the menu plan for the week!

University of Applied Sciences Koblenz

The following apps and platforms are useful for keeping track of your studies:

OLAT - the most important platform of the HS Koblenz, here you can book courses and get all important information.
qis - here you can register for exams and keep track of your grades.
SoGo - here you have access to the university mail account, which can also be forwarded to your private mail address
Uninow - a practical app where you can check your mail, cafeteria schedule and grades.
Mensaplan - here you can see the menu plan for the week!

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