Here you can get support in difficult situations and crises in your student life - individually and free of charge.

Our counsellors are your first point of contact for personal crises and problems in everyday student life and help you with advice and information. They also support students with chronic illnesses or disabilities or students with children with their study orientation and the organisation of their everyday life.

Quick overview:

Counselling services offered by the Studierendenwerk

The Studierendenwerk supports all students to make studying a success! This also includes counselling for students. You can find the wide range of counselling services here:

  • General learning coaching
  • Coaching on exam preparation and time management
  • Individual counselling in crisis situations
  • Psychosocial counselling
  • Counselling on studying with a child or studying with a family
  • Counselling for students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses
  • Legal counselling (by external lawyers)

Counselling options

  • Personal consultation hours
  • Video counselling
  • Telephone counselling
  • Anonymous online counselling

Counselling Team

We, Andrea Porz, Beate Bastian and Maja Kelly are the counselling team of the Studierendenwerk. As your first point of contact, we offer you free personal counselling and information on all questions and problems related to student life.

By the way, you are free to choose who advises you!

Beate Bastian | Graduate Social Pedagogue (FH)

Beate Bastian

Andrea Porz | Graduate Social Pedagogue (FH)

Andrea Porz

Maja Kelly | Social Work (B.A.)

kelly 150x200

Would you like to contact one of our counsellors? You can find all contact details here.

Workshops and Seminars

In addition to personal counselling, the Studierendenwerk offers workshops and seminars. Workshops such as time management and "Actually, I should finally do something..." help you to organise your everyday study life better.

You can find all seminars and workshops in our seminar calendar!

Studying with a disability

Students with disabilities are not alone! We can advise you on all aspects of organising your studies and organising your everyday life. Together with the representatives of the university and the university of applied sciences, we also support you with compensation for disadvantages.

You can find all the important information as well as contact details for help centres here.

Equal Opportunities Office

The Equal Opportunities Office is responsible for various aspects of equality and equal opportunities at the university. Every student, but also all employees of the college and the university, should have the same opportunities.
Counselling is offered on a wide range of topics, including the compatibility of family and studies. All offers can be found on the website of the Equal Opportunities Office of Koblenz University of Applied Sciences or on the website of the Equal Opportunities Office of Koblenz University.

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